We have ethical (sweat-shop free) factories all over the globe so shipment times can vary as they are based upon your location. Live shipping rates are calculated at checkout and we have express shipping options available depending on your location. Items should arrive within the estimated delivery window. All shipped items come with tracking so you can track your shipment.
We care about the environment and keeping earth habitable, and business practices should be sustainable and responsible so our children have a future on this planet. Around 81% of our orders are delivered within the same region in which they’re fulfilled because having fulfillment centers close to our customers is good for both business and the planet. Strategically-located fulfillment centers allow for faster shipping times, lower shipping costs and help reduce CO₂ emissions.
Buying multiple products in a single purchase allows us to combine as many products as possible when shipping to lower carbon emissions and cost of shipping. These policies help us fulfill our goal of being as energy efficient, eco-friendly, economical and sustainable as possible. We believe it's important to not only create and sell beautiful products, but to do it responsibly!
Ensure your shipping address is correct at checkout as we do not refund or replace items sent to a wrong address entered by the customer or items marked as delivered by the carrier. If the delivery time for your item has passed, contact the mail carrier with your tracking number to inquire about the location of your item. If the item is lost due to courier error, we will replace the item. Claims to replace items lost in transit must be sent to us no more than 14 days after the item's estimated delivery date.
Currently, all beauty product (Floral Hand & Body Lotion, Floral Hand & Body Wash, Hand & Body Lotion, and Refreshing Hand & Body Wash) shipping is limited to:
Thank you for shopping with us
Yours, Lady Liberty & Company