We do not reside at 124 Conch Street, Bikini Bottom. That was last year. We decided that it was just too expensive to run our operations under the ocean. It was also hard to cook eggs because you know it was under water and they would float off and everything. The products would also get wet and Plankton kept calling us insolent fools, so we sadly had to move our operations back to land and stop working in the tree dome because Sandy got annoyed. No, we're just kidding. It was actually Mr. Krabs who was annoyed, because he couldn't have full access to Sandy's "Make Money Out of Thin Air" machine! You can't always have what you want Mr. Krabs!
Hey, it wasn't our fault Mr. Krabs kept coming over to use Sandy's new "make money out of thin air" machine! We just worked there! So no, we don't currently have a physical business address, and if you send us post mail to Bikini Bottom, we will not receive it because we don't work there anymore, and also it will get wet, so there's that too. Oh, and can you tell Plankton's computer wife Karen to stop spying on us? We don't have the secret formula! Yes, we know what you're thinking. Mr. Krabs did not store it in the tree dome next to the "Make Money Out of Thin Air" machine! It was next to the coffee maker!
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